Friday, September 21, 2012

Consultative Selling, Say What?

Consultative selling is a seven-syllable way of conveying what is at heart a very simple concept.
You don't have to be a graduate of sales leadership training to be able to grasp it.
Consultative selling is based on building a foundational relationship with your prospect before launching into a list of all the bells and whistles of your product and service.
Think of it this way: conventional selling is product-based. My product is great. You should buy it because... But consultative selling is prospect-based. Who are you? What are your needs? How can I best help you? It's a subtle shift in perspective.
Sales coaching in this kind of selling teaches salespeople to take their time with the client, to view them as a relevant, even indispensable, source of information. A salesperson engaged in this kind of selling relationship is actually conducting an informal method of market research, by taking the time to find out what solutions their clients would need or wish existed.
Sales leadership training for this kind of selling teaches salespeople to view prospects as partners, with whom to work towards solutions. It does not assume that the salesperson knows the solution at the beginning of the process, nor that the prospect does. The choice of product depends on the answers to the many questions that the salesperson puts to the client. In consultative selling, there is no marching in and saying, "This is what you need." Nor can the salesperson meekly give the customer what they claim to need at first interaction. It is a more careful, thought-out process.
That said, consultative selling doesn't work for all situations, for, of course, in some situations, the client does know exactly what they want, and would be annoyed by unnecessary questions. They might resent a salesperson trying to slow down the process, and stand in the way of a sale. That is why sales coaching sessions devoted to this style must also teach salespeople tips for deciding on how and when to use it. In what kind of situations is a relationship-based selling approach to be preferred? In what kind of situations should it be avoided? Many a sales leadership training session has been devoted to answering these difficult, but crucial questions.
So what might sales coaching in this style of selling look like? It might involve the following:
· role playing
· participants may be asked to clearly establish a goal, such as "Learn more," or "Ask questions," for each interaction with a client
· learning how to let go of the pitch as a crutch
· collaborative problem solving
To sum up, consultative selling will not be right for all situations, but for some situations, it will be the best approach possible. The right kind of sales coaching can teach a salesperson to recognize which situations are best suited to this customer-based selling style.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Tailor-Made Corporate Event

Trade fairs, conferences, and seminars are three types of events that are all great ways to allow people of the same industry to get together in a non-competitive atmosphere for mutual exchange of information, and to expand their professional network. It is important for people of business to occasionally put the bottom line of buying and selling on hold purely for the sake of the advancement of industry expertise. This way everyone working in the industry, as well as the average person who depends or benefits on the products of that industry, can count on a continual improvement of the quality of business and its fruits.
Event planners have a responsibility to understand these three different kinds of sponsored events. Trade shows allow companies and individuals to demonstrate and inform other industry people and the public to new developments in an open, market-place style atmosphere. Conferences have more of an academic feel as opposed to the market-place feel of trade shows, with representatives giving lectures, taking part in debates, and fielding questions regarding their subject. Seminars normally focus on one specific subject, and combines information sessions with exercises and trial periods.
But it is not only the three style of corporate events that the event planner must know. It is up to them to take the time and do their research regarding the specific industries hiring them to plan their events. Everything from the design of the space, the food being served, and the extra activities offered to the participants should be tailor-made to those attending. Here are some examples of specific industry events and what is done to customize the event.
Trade shows for new machinery: This requires large exhibition rooms with high ceilings depending on the machines. Many power outlets should be safe and secure and well distributed throughout. Lounge areas nearby to escape the noise for more private conversations is a good idea.
Teacher's conferences: Comfortable lecture rooms with good visibility to the stage or podiums. Access to projectors, photocopy machines, and internet is important. A lot of good available coffee is also recommended.
Business motivational seminars: Large rooms for lectures with quick access to smaller rooms for group activities. Guests should also be housed in close proximity to further encourage team building during non-seminar hours, like meals and recreation.
Food fairs: Well-ventilated rooms to avoid mixing aromas between booths. Lots of garbage receptacles and regular garbage removal is very important. There should be good mix of standing and sitting room. Access to bathrooms and other sanitation stations is also needed.
These and many more diverse and unique events make up part of the education one gets in event planning courses. Learning to respond to each event's custom needs is what makes for a great event planner, and a memorable time for everyone showing off their trade, lecturing on their skills, or simply learning about new developments in their industries.